A New Approach to Onboarding Could Be the Perfect Welcome

Mention the word onboarding and a merry-go-round of training sessions, paperwork, and checklists come to mind. It can be a great experience but it can also involve a lot of repetitive tasks for talent professionals and new hires alike. 

What if it could be different? 

The good news is: It can. Generative AI can make onboarding more efficient and pleasant for everyone. And every interaction an employee has with your company, from onboarding to compliance training, shapes how they view your organization and perform on the job. 

New hires that have poor onboarding experiences are twice as likely to look for another job in the near future. But when the onboarding experience is positive, new hire retention jumps by 82%. Employee engagement goes up by 54%, and employees are 18 times more likely to feel committed to the organization. 

That’s why it’s important to make onboarding as positive as possible. Read on to learn six ways you can use GAI to create an onboarding experience that will make new hires glad they joined the team. 

1. AI can automate administrative tasks 

Say goodbye to sending untold forms and material to new hires. With GAI, you can digitally generate and manage paperwork. AI can set up accounts and profiles, complete paperwork automatically, and ensure that candidates receive compliance and training materials in a timely manner. This saves HR professionals time, but also saves candidates from having to fill out the same information — name, ID numbers, birthdate — on multiple forms. 

2. It can design personalized checklists of tasks new hires need to complete 

With GAI, you can create and automate personalized checklists of the forms and training that new hires need to compete. This will make it easier for them to keep all the information they need straight. Instead of handing everything to them on the first day and hoping they remember, you can use GAI to create a checklist that will help them track what needs to be completed, while also keeping you updated on their progress. 

3. GAI can send tailored messages at 30, 60, and 90 days

GAI can create tailored messages that are automatically sent to new hires at 30, 60, and 90 days. By automating these, you’ll never forget to check in and see how employees are doing. As problems arise, you can address them — and nip any reasons for leaving the company in the bud.

4. Chatbots can give new hires 24/7 access to information

Starting a new job can be stressful. When new hires have to wait for hours, or even days, to find answers to questions, it can be even more stressful. An AI-powered chatbot, available around the clock, allows employees to find answers on demand. New hires can turn to chatbots for information on employee benefits, sick days, remote work policies, and tech support. 

5. AI can personalize learning for each new hire 

Every new hire has a different learning style. Some learn visually, while others learn best by listening. Some people learn faster than others. GAI can analyze employees’ profiles to collect information about their skills, personality traits, and knowledge gaps and to offer personalized courses, reading material, and resources. One example of this is LinkedIn Learning’s AI-powered coaching, which interacts with employees and offers suggestions based on goals or skills gaps.  

6. It can gather feedback and analyze data about your onboarding 

GAI-driven platforms can also help analyze the effectiveness of your onboarding. They can draw data from chatbot inquiries, onboarding surveys, and other sources to determine where you’re acing the onboarding process and where you could improve. By looking at data from multiple new hires, they can detect common themes and determine whether employees are having a positive or negative onboarding experience. This real-time feedback can help you refine the onboarding experience as you go along. 

Final thoughts: As much as AI can help, nothing beats the human touch

Nearly two-thirds of organizations are already using AI in their hiring and onboarding.

While AI offers freedom from repetitive tasks, it also gives talent professionals more time to nurture an emotional connection, offer a warm welcome, and help new hires feel valued. Yes, AI can make the onboarding process easier and more efficient. But only a human can offer a smile, a handshake, and a heartfelt “Welcome to the company!”
