The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week

“Imagine you’re a seasoned chef,” writes Psychology Today in a recent article, “tasked with judging a cooking competition. But instead of tasting the dishes, you’re only allowed to interview the contestants about their recipes. Sounds absurd, right? Yet this job interviewing process is precisely how we’ve approached the lion’s share of hiring for the past

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Cutting to the Chase: How to Rein In a Candidate’s Long-Winded Answer

If you’ve done even a modest amount of interviewing, you’ve certainly heard your share of long-winded (and sometimes aimless) stories about big, complex projects or engagements. You ask a simple question about a key highlight in a candidate’s last role and, before you know it, you’re 15 minutes into a story with seemingly no way

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The Pros and Cons of Sharing Interview Questions Early

So, your candidate is sitting in their interview, sweating bullets as the recruiter throws curveball questions their way. How different would they feel if they knew the questions beforehand? And would that lead to a fairer assessment of their skills and experience?  It’s fair to say that providing candidates with interview questions in advance is

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The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week

According to a recent article from the Harvard Business Review, research on what motivates people at work has traditionally fallen into three buckets. Those buckets include working harder for: Money and status (extrinsic motivation)Joy and fulfillment (intrinsic motivation)A sense of making a difference to others in the world (prosocial motivation) New research, however, suggests that

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How to Coach an Underperforming Employee

When faced with an underperforming employee, you may instinctively turn to formal training sessions as a solution. But while training is undoubtedly valuable, it’s not the best fit for every situation.  As learning and performance strategist Jess Almlie shared in a recent post, “Sometimes, it doesn’t matter how fantastically designed our learning solutions are because

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Why GAI and Boolean Search Is a Winning Approach to Sourcing

In the world of sourcing and recruiting, the rumors of the death of Boolean search have been greatly exaggerated over the years. Despite many advancements in AI-powered automated matching between jobs and potential candidates, Boolean search has remained a required skill. This is largely because job descriptions themselves have historically not been accurate representations of

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The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 2% of adults in the country are autistic. That’s 5.4 million people — with many more undiagnosed. Many autistic adults go to great lengths to hide their disability, especially in the workplace. In a recent article, The New York Times interviewed one woman

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